A Jungle Window

Don't you just love this bridge?

Look before you step. What do you see??

I didn't see him and almost stepped on him before my brother stopped me.

Of course I had to stop and take pictures of flowers along the way:)

Deep in the (the hundred acre woods... ah childhood memories:) woods we found a little dam,

And on it we found this plack(sp?). Awesome huh, 1944!! World War II was still on. If anyone knows what the Friendly Club is let me know.

A giant pecan downed by hurricane Ike. Most of these picture look better bigger.

Same Pecan.
The depths of the woods. When you're there it takes you back to a different time. There's nothing but God's creation so it could be any era. This swampy looking place makes me think of the days of the underground railroad.

Suns coming down...

the end to a perfect day:)

Where was this, Mar!?! Looks like you had fun, whereever it is! ha ha. Nice pics. Love the snake...