Today let us remember the men and women who sacrificed (and sacrifice daily) so much for our Freedom.
Those from World War I (1917-1918),
World War II (1941-1945),
Korea (1950-1953),
Vietnam (1959-1975) 16 years! 16 years folks a long long time to be at war.
Operation Desert Shield, known as Desert Storm or the Gulf War (1990-1991),
Last 2, but not least. Remember these two are still going on! our troops are fighting for us right now!
Operation Enduring Freedom (Afganistan) 2001- ????
Operation Iraqi Freedom (Iraq) 2003 - ????
Also remember the family, friends and fellow soldiers and officers of the victims of the terrorist
shooting at Fort Hood.
This is a great reminder to be grateful to our soldiers! Very nice choice of pics as well. thanks for posting this. :-)