Sunday, March 28, 2010


I am now the age that I can officially be armed and dangerous. I know weird thing to say for a birthday cake picture.
I LOVE the little curly cues in the frosting :)

What do you think of the photography????????????

Saturday, March 27, 2010

If you were wondering...

I have been having trouble with my header picture, but have not had the hours needed to figure out how to fix it. So it is, as is for now.

I just came from hearing someone talk about ... well, the single season of life and preparing for marriage. The speaker was making the point of family relationships (parents/kids brother/sister) and how they are the best things to work on to be ready for marriage.
And that how you are now,how you treat them now is how you'll be when married and how you'll treat your spouse.

We don't think much about how we treat our brothers (speaking from girls point of view:) is how we'll treat our husband.
He's a brother not a spouse, the constant annoying character who knows just how to bug you. And we view our future husband as Prince Charming, Well he won't be, he'll be (most likely) somebody's brother! he won't be perfect! and if you can't get along with your brother, it will be hard to get along in a marriage.

The Lord has set us in the perfect training ground for our future homes, in our families. As a daughter we learn to submit to our fathers, future preparation right.

So we can work on doing that job well now, not conniving to get our way or not taking no for an answer, nagging,complaining. If we can listen to our fathers now, it will be easier to submit to husbands later. It's the role God has given us women, if we go against His order (Man being head of the household, and children under parents etc.) it will only cause... well, disorder and unhappiness in our home and lives.

By the way, the things said about brothers doesn't not in any way mean my brother is always annoying. He's a dear, but there are times:) brothers are meant to sharpen us I think.

Also help your brothers become future husbands, let them open doors, help you and above all don't nag, let them take the lead (unless of course they're 4, and even then you can let them act the gentleman towards you) , All things I need to work on.

Wow, I wasn't planning on a real post, but here one is, maybe.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Hero Dies :(

Fess Parker star of Disney's Davy Crockett movies, the Adventures of Daniel Boone and the father in Old Yeller died today at age 85.

The day of wholesome family enterainment is so far gone most people today do not even know who this man was. Though I'm not a baby boomer who had the coonskin cap of the day, he was a childhood hero of mine.

Fess Elisha Parker Jr. was born August 16, 1924 in Fort Worth, TEXAS! height 6'6" well a half inch off from 6'6". Here's a rare thing, a hollywood actor with one marriage and a lasting one, 50 years : ) 1960-2010. There are 2 Parker children,11 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. He also served our county in the Navy during WWII.